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Central Minnesota Real Estate

Brad Maitland - Associate Broker

Office: (320) 980-5029

Brad Maitland

Associate Broker


Brad Maitland is a  Broker with United Country-Preferred Real Estate. He is a native of Mille Lacs county growing up in the Isle area near Mille Lacs Lake.

Brad obtained his real estate license in 1978 and in 1985 moved his family to the Milaca area where he took over the United Country franchise. March of 2020 will mark Brad’s 35 year anniversary with the company. During that time he has seen many changes in the real estate industry.

He specializes in farm properties, hobby farms, hunting land, and residential homes both in town, and country homes. Working mainly in Mille Lacs, Benton, Kanabec, and Morrison counties, along with the Milaca community for 30 years, Brad’s experience is a valuable asset for clients looking to buy or sell in this area.

 If you are looking for an agent to represent you in the sale or purchase of real estate in Central Minnesota please contact Brad Maitland today!! a href=""> Brad Maitland-Broker United Country-Preferred Real Estate 410 Central Ave. S. Milaca, MN 56353 Office: 1-(320)-983-3550 Cell: 1-(320)-980-5029 E-mail:



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Our Location


410 Central Ave., P O Box 65, Milaca, MN, 56353
Broker: Tim Possin

Hours Of Operation: MON-FRI 8:30AM-5:00PM &
SAT By Appointment Only

Phone: (320) 983-3550
